إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

An app is created for Malaysia’s Digi prepaid users by i-Serve Technology.

With iServe Digi Top-up, you can get your prepaid reload anytime and anywhere, quickly and securely without leaving your home. No more insufficient credit in your phone because iServe Digi Top-up makes life easier and simpler for you.

iServe Digi Top-up – Payment via Debit, Credit Card and FPX online banking. Fast, easy, secure and convenient. NO CHARGES if paid using Debit Card!

iServe Digi Top-up - Free. Stay tuned for great promotions and attractive rewards.

Check out for other apps - iServe MyReload, MyBill and MyBus too.

Any inquiry:
Careline: +60380232846
Email: [email protected]